A selection of current projects

Our references
a quick overview

A selection of current projects

Our references at a glance

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Convince with performance -
exemplary projects from practice

All theory is gray, here comes the practical test: On this page you will find selected projects and exemplary services for a wide variety of customer orders and requirements.

References: our customers about the collaboration

Self-praise is not our thing, which is why the slider above the project examples gives the floor to those who can best evaluate our work: our customers themselves!

What our customers say about us...

Some selected projects of our services from the past months and years. Use the filters to focus on specific topics.

Imperial Caviar, Berlin

Communication E-commerce Photo Producers Recipe development Start Video Web

Go Vilnius!

Communication Events Press relations Start

Poultry farm Schönecke

Design E-commerce Photo Producers Start Video Web

Imperial kitchen, Oldenburg

Gastronomy Photo Start

Thomas Martin, Hamburg

Brand ambassador Communication Design E-commerce Gastronomy Photo Start Video Web

Restaurant Horváth, Berlin

Design Gastronomy Photo Start Strategy Video Web

Saint Brand GmbH, Hamburg

E-commerce Web

Léonie Corentin Chocolatiers, Hamburg

Communication Press relations Producers Start

Boris Kasprik, Hamburg

Communication Gastronomy Start Text Web

Pecorino Romana DOP

Brand ambassador Events Photo Producers Recipe development

Restaurant 100/200

Design Gastronomy Video Web

Basedahl ham, Hollenstedt

Communication Producers Start Video

Donnafugata, Sicily

Communication Events Producers Start

Label Rouge

Brand ambassador Communication Design Events Photo Producers Recipe development Start


Communication Photo Producers Recipe development Video

Plantera, Lübeck

Producers Web

Traube Tonbach, Baiersbronn

Gastronomy Photo Start Video

Elried Marking Systems, Munich

Design E-commerce Web


Design E-commerce Web


Design E-commerce Web

Geranium, Copenhagen

Design Gastronomy
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